Our SG Dream Teens shared some much needed quality time with each other at the beautiful Homewood Suites Dallas Downtown
You make the best pancakes at 10pm at night! Honey was getting her IHOP on and each pancake had his own special flavor and style. Midnight cocoa and 2am movies...Games, gifts and giggles!! Our first #SGMommyandMe was a great big success! 😘🎀🎉 We'll do it again soon!
I'm so glad that we took the time to spend one evening with our daughters/mothers 👑👑 to focus on our relationships and what we're truly grateful for and thankful for in our daughters 👧🏽... and for our daughters in their mothers! #SGDreamTeens #pancakesandpajamas #bonding #girlpower #girlsnightout www.sarahzgirlz.org